Line Of Sight : Vietnam Highly Compressed Free Download

Line of Sight: Vietnam is a 2003 Vietnam war oriented squad-based first-person shooter (FPS) video game. The game follows a young sniper in the 5th Special Forces compound in Nha Tong, Vietnam. In Line of Sight: Vietnam, the player is a member of the U.S. Army's Special Forces (also known as "The Green Berets") during the height of America's involvement in the Vietnam War. 
There are 12 singleplayer missions, each which different objectives that must be accomplished in order to complete the mission. In the majority of the singleplayer missions, you are accompanied by an AI squadmate who you can issue commands/orders to. Additionally, you can switch ingame to the squadmate and play the game from their perspective. There are 2 types of enemies in Line of Sight: Vietnam; NVA soldiers and Viet Cong guerillas. They are usually found in groups of 2-3 and are either stationary guards or moving patrols. Each mission is a different map and they can vary weather-wise. There are over 10 different weapons in the game, and the player can use weapons that are dropped by enemy forces. You can choose to play from a first-person perspective or switch to third-person perspective ingame. Apart from sniper rifles, all weapons in the game are shot from the hip and do not have playable ironsights. The cooperative multiplayer over LAN/Internet cannot be played anymore as it was based on GameSpy, which has since been shut down.
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