With the addition of this expansion pack, the player can create a Jeep Wrangler or Jeep Commander tour through the zoo's exhibits. The new sky tram routes allow the guests to get a bird's eye view of the animals. Wooden and rock elevated walkways can be built over exhibits and large bodies of water, allowing visitors and players alike to walk right above the exhibits. These even allow food courts to be built above enclosures. Both the elevated paths and sky trams will give the guests a good view of the animals, while still keeping their privacy levels content, creating a win-win situation.
Various tour objects are available to the player; interesting, mechanical objects that move and improve the guest's overall rating of the tour. This includes machines that spurt snow,volcanoes,crystal tunnels and giant sequoia tunnels. As a bonus, guests can now toss coins into fountains, and pay for face painting featuring Jungle like pandas and tigers. There are also conservation areas that the landmarks are protected. No buildings, scenery, paths, fences, shelters, roads, foliage or biome changes are allowed to be put in there. However, animals can be put there.
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