Sacrifice Full Version & RIP Free Download

Sacrifice is a real-time strategy video game published by Interplay Entertainment in 2000 for the Windows 98 platform. Developed by Shiny Entertainment the game features elements of action and other genres. Players control wizards who fight each other with spells and summoned creatures. Impressing reviewers with its graphics, Sacrifice was the first commercial video game to make full use of video graphics cards that can process transform, clipping, and lighting instructions. The game was ported to Mac OS 9.2 in 2001.
Published in 2000 for the Windows 98 platform (and in the following year for Mac OS 9.2), Sacrifice is a real-time strategy video game that incorporates elements of the action genre. Players control wizards, looking over their characters from behind. Each match starts the player with a wizard and an altar. Using the keyboard and mouse, players move their wizards around a virtual world, directing armies and casting spells to eliminate their opponents. A player's wizard defeats an opponent by desecrating his or her altar through the magical "sacrifice" of a friendly unit.
Wizards can cast spells that harm opponents (combat spells), heal damage taken, or summon creatures. More advanced combat spells affect large areas of the battlefield, taking the form of tornadoes and volcanoes. Casting spells requires energy, which the game represents in the form of mana. Recovery of mana is slow, but a wizard accelerates the process by staying close to his or her altar. Close proximity to one of several fountains of mana scattered across the world increases his or her recovery rate as well. A wizard can monopolize a mana fountain by erecting a structure known as a manalith over it. Because mana can always be regained, it is an infinite resource. Souls are the other type of resource in this game; they are used, along with mana, to summon creatures, who form the mainstay of the players' offensive capability. Unlike mana, souls are limited in quantity. Players start with a few souls and increase their resources by locating unclaimed souls, or by converting the souls of unfriendly creatures their wizards have killed.
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