Po (Mick Wingert) is a giant panda who lives in the Valley of Peace, a fictional village in China. He idolizes that great kung fu masters, the Furious Five, who are trained by the red panda master Shifu. Po dreams of becoming a great Kung Fu fighter, and fighting with the Furious Five, but he is unable to achieve this, being an ordinary panda working in his goose dad Mr. Ping's shop. To this day, he has never found out why his dad is a goose.
Shifu's mentor, tortoise Grand Master Oogway, visions that the evil
snow leopard Tai Lung, who is currently being imprisoned in the great
prison Chor Gom Prison, will return to the Valley of Peace to bring harm
and destruction, and only the Dragon Warrior can save them. Tai Lung,
originally Shifu's student, was abandoned for unknown reasons, and was
found by Shifu, who took care of him and trained to be a Kung Fu
Fighter. Tai Lung wanted to prove himself worthy to receive the Dragon
Scroll, containing the secret to unlimited power. However, Oogway did
not think he was worthy enough. In rage, he attacked the citizens of the
Valley of Peace, but he was stopped by Oogway, and was put in Chor Gom
Prison, which was built for him, a massive prison with five hundred
guards and thousands of turrets and weapons and locked gates.
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